Remote work has grown in popularity in today’s digital age. The pandemic merely accelerated the trend of working from home.

Although working remotely might be advantageous for many, it can also bring unique challenges, especially for those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Using American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting services is one approach to addressing this challenge.

In this article, we will look at the significance of ASL interpreting services in a remote workforce.

What is American Sign Language?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual language used largely by deaf and hard of hearing people in the United States and Canada.

It has its own grammar, syntax, and structure, making it a complete language. The syntax and vocabulary of ASL are distinct, and it is not based on English.

The Importance of ASL Interpreting Services in Remote Workforce

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Access to Information

Communication takes place across digital platforms including video conferencing, email, and instant messaging while people are working remotely.

Unfortunately, without an interpreter, these channels might not be available to those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

By providing ASL interpreting services, remote employees who are deaf or hard of hearing can access the same information as their hearing coworkers.

This makes sure that everyone is on the same page and included in important conversations.

Inclusion and Diversity

A workplace must embrace diversity and inclusion.

ASL interpreting services encourage inclusion by guaranteeing that those who are deaf or hard of hearing have equal access to employment opportunities, communication, and professional growth.

Remote employers can promote an inclusive and diverse workplace that supports and respects all employees by offering ASL interpreting services.

Compliance with ADA

Employers are obligated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to make a reasonable effort to accommodate disabled workers.

For employees who are hard of hearing or deaf, this involves offering ASL interpreting services.

Failure to comply with the ADA may have negative effects on a company’s reputation and can have legal repercussions.

By providing ASL interpreting services in a remote work setting, you may ensure ADA compliance and show your support for diversity and inclusion.

Better Communication

Any company that wants to succeed must have effective communication.

Projects are delayed and productivity is hampered when communication breaks down.

By ensuring that all employees can understand and participate in conversations, ASL interpreting services can help improve communication in a remote work environment.

This can result in greater communication, more output, and better performance all around.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is essential for employee retention and productivity. 

Remote companies can guarantee that all employees feel valued and supported by providing ASL interpreting services.

This may result in better performance and lower turnover rates, which might therefore raise work satisfaction.

Challenges of Providing ASL Interpreting Services in a Remote Workforce

While offering ASL interpreting services to a remote workforce has numerous advantages, there are challenges that must be taken into account.

Technical Challenges

Technical challenges can occur while providing ASL interpreting services through digital platforms.

For instance, there can be problems with internet access or video quality, or video conferencing systems might not allow ASL interpreters.

Technical challenges can occur while providing ASL interpreting services through digital platforms.

For instance, there can be problems with internet access or video quality, or video conferencing systems might not allow ASL interpreters.


For small enterprises in particular, providing ASL interpreting services may be expensive.

Entrepreneurs must take into account the expense of employing an interpreter or engaging an interpreting service.

It’s important to remember, though, that failing to offer ASL interpreting services may subject a company to fines and harm its reputation.

Availability of Interpreters

It might be challenging to find ASL interpreters who are qualified, especially in rural locations.

Industries might need to hire interpreting services directly or think about using interpreters from other cities.

This can lead to increased expenses and logistical difficulties.

Language and Cultural Differences

Despite the fact that ASL is a complete language, it differs from English and has its own special grammar and syntax.

The cultures of the deaf and the hearing are also different.

Companies must guarantee that ASL interpreters are knowledgeable in ASL as well as deaf culture and the subtleties of communication in the deaf and hard of hearing population.

Best Practices for Providing ASL Interpreting Services in a Remote Workforce

Make a Plan

Organizations should prepare ahead of time and consider the requirements of their hard-of-hearing or deaf employees.

This includes figuring out how many interpreters are required, planning ahead for interpreting services, and making sure that the necessary technology is available.

Use Reliable Technology

Employers should provide ASL interpreting services using dependable technology.

This includes ASL interpreter assistance in video conferencing platforms, quick internet access, and top-notch video and audio gear.

Hire Experienced Interpreters

Enterprises should seek out qualified ASL interpreters who not only have a command of the language but also are familiar with deaf culture and the nuances of communication among the deaf and hard of hearing.

Educate all Employees

All employees should be educated about the value of ASL interpreting services by their employers, and they should get training on how to collaborate successfully with interpreters.

This can make sure that everyone is at ease and aware of how to interact with coworkers who are deaf or hard of hearing.


To provide equal access to communication and to advance inclusion and diversity, ASL interpreting services are crucial in a remote workforce.

Better communication, greater job satisfaction, and ADA compliance can all be achieved with the use of ASL interpreting services.

Although it might be difficult to provide ASL interpreting services to a remote workforce, companies can do so by being prepared, employing dependable technology, selecting competent interpreters, and informing all employees of the value of ASL interpreting services.

Remote employers can achieve this by fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace that appreciates and respects all employees, regardless of their hearing ability.

For those who are looking for additional support, Unspoken Language Services offers interpreting services to help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing communities.

Thumbnail Photo Credit to: Photo by fauxels