Sign language interpreting is a demanding job and requires compassion, patience, a heart of service, and flexibility. Certain tips will ensure sustainability. Sometimes a call or an assignment goes smoothly in a single direction and suddenly, it takes a turn.  The interpreter may come out disoriented, shaken, troubled, frustrated, and sad. Meanwhile, they may have to make their way to the next assignment and this is the most common scenario in an interpreter’s life. 

Interpreters have to witness some of the deepest pain and greatest beauties of life along with maintaining flexibility and neutrality.  

Interpreters and Challenges

Interpreters are the first responders, but they are bounded to their jobs and hence cannot respond. The most challenging task is to take care of themselves in difficult situations so as to continue their job with integrity and process their further assignments effectively.

Ideas to Overcome Challenges

Here are some ideas to respond to the challenges:

Quiver it off

Shaking the body helps. The reptilian part of the brain is able to reset and release by shaking. Move every part of the body from head to toe in a quiet and private space. Make sure to do some forceful exhales with little vocalization. 


Sit or stand comfortably with closed eyes and take slow, easy, and deep breaths. Imagine a stressful situation and notice the changes happening in the body. Maybe your jaw or stomach tenses up and the heart begins to race or experience a lump in the throat and sinking in the chest. Whatever the situation, let it happen without resisting or avoiding it. 

Naming emotions

Name any emotion present in you. It might happen that you cannot name some of them as you may feel a lump in your stomach etc.  These emotions are the reason for stress leading to burnout and ultimately, diseases occur. Naming emotions make you closer to dealing with tough situations and allow releasing them quickly. 

Be compassionate for yourself

Interpreters must have compassion for themselves; however, this may take lifetimes to master this skill. Following it will strengthen the pathways toward better health and greater happiness. Communicate with your inside voice and empathize. This can do wonders. 

A detoxifying bath

This detoxifying bath will make you feel relaxed. Take an equal portion of baking soda and Epsom salt in lukewarm water with drops of tea tree essential oil. This bath allows the body to move and release these toxins. Also, make sure to drink enough water. 

Discover yourself

Discovering yourself is a better way to view the world. Knowing ourselves is extremely important especially when you are an interpreter and a human being who values health and happiness. Just notice and there is no need to change or shift any information. Ask some of the questions like:

  • Is this the way reality works? Is this the way reality works? Can I find that my belief is upheld in reality? 
  • Is this belief true all the time, for everyone, and in every situation?
  • Is this stressful or peaceful, simple, and pure? Am I feeling relaxed or stressed while holding this belief?
  • Who controls it? Is it my business or another person’s business or there is no human control over it? 

Practice Gratitude

After a long, tiring, and hard day, you should be thankful to the friends and family who care for you and the way you managed the hard times and difficult emotions; whatever it is. Be grateful. Do not let any beauty and sweetness escaping you. These gifts are worth cherishing.  These sweet droplets refill the cup of liveliness in you so you can efficiently show up tomorrow.