In this hard time, when the entire world is encountering the Covid-19 pandemic, everyone has a lot of uncertainty about personal lives, and this global health issue is affecting the interpreting business too. In this unprecedented situation, how can we take care of the well being of interpreting business? 

This deadly virus is affecting every aspect of human life, but we have to remember that this situation will also end, and there is a bright future ahead. Social distancing will end, and people will go back to work, picking up again with zeal. People will communicate again, and interpreters will not lose their importance after this global health crisis. 

While we can think the best for the future, we cannot deny the fact that COVID-19 is slowing down the businesses, both small and large. It is vital to be strategic for the care of the health of interpreting business. As interpreters, you are considered a business. The below information will provide some additional comfort.  

Look at the Future

The strategy is important for maintaining the health of the interpreter business. One way to accomplish this is to understand what has given benefit to your business and what has not before this global crisis. Enquire yourself these questions:

  • What kind of work gives the most effective results? (Financially, intellectually, emotionally, etc.)?
  • Which clients or agencies are ideal?
  • What specialization areas or language pairs do you prefer to work in? And why? Can you find methods to attract this type of business once the situation will become normal, and people are back to work? 

How can you handle less this work type in the future? One way to assess is to hold another small business. Most interpreters are in the Educational sector, where schools have closed for weeks, some for the remainder of the school year without payment. What better time to freelance in a different sector than when work is slow or you’ve been laid off?

The Immediate Action to Keep the Interpreting Business Healthy

The key to a healthy interpreting business lies in the strategy to think smartly. It is better to think about the methods you can market to your clients in this crisis time. Some clients may require your service during this pandemic when everybody is practicing social distancing. It is also crucial to think about the ways to meet people where they are present right now. 

You can follow some ideas that seem to have some positive results.

  • You can write to agencies and communicate availability. Showing solidarity in this time is necessary for everyone.
  • Let your client/agency know that you are always available to assist them in all possible ways. You can convey that if they have any specific assignments related to COVID-19, you will assist them in priority.
  • If any client is in the healthcare industry who provides online content, then you can share an email about stress management in this uncertain time, to which your client will appreciate. This will be beneficial for the future, and these assignments will show your clients that you are willing to assist them in every possible way and you are paying attention too. 

Aim on the Long-Term Strategy

Your area of specialization is playing a crucial role during COVID-19 because, in reality, some industries are far better than others in this pandemic. Some industries that are suffering will bounce back eventually but will take some time. 

If you are in medicine and healthcare, then you may have work in the pipeline right now and in the future, too, because of this health crisis. Your regular work may be less in the coming weeks because of attention shifts to other priorities with a limited budget.

On the other hand, if you specialize in tourism and travel conference interpreting and translation then it is a difficult time as we all know that the travel and tourism industry has been affected very much due to COVID-19. Nonetheless, communications are necessary no matter the present state of affairs for air travel, hostels, conferences, and meetings. 

In this crisis time, how you can plan for a future in a dubious economy especially when you are related to the specialization area that is experiencing uncertain conditions right now.

The best way to handle this kind of adversity in business is not to put all your eggs in the same place. You can follow these ideas as it is still not too late to take care of the health of your valuable business.