Sometimes while reading, you stop and think whether the word is correctly placed or there is some punctuation error. This is quite common while reviewing a legal document. Legal terminology requires extensive research. Despite the vocabulary issue, it is important to keep in mind that different legal systems mostly do not have a direct similarity.

Easy is not simple

Generally, reading a title gives an idea about the subject that is explained in the text but it is not the same in the case of a legal document. For example, the original Brazilian Portuguese was a Cautelar de arresto, while its English translation reads as an arrest warrant.  The usage of that false cognate- arrest/arresto- changed the document’s nature completely. The Cautelar does not mean a warrant but it is a short form for media cautelar meaning provisional remedy while arresto means attachment. In Brazilian Portuguese, an arrest warrant is a mandado de prisao. Thus linguistic diversity is important as in the absence of correct words things become irritating.  

Keep the originality intact

A translator has to manage the rest of the translation once after the use of a false cognate. The unique terminology makes the legal translation more complex. The translator is required to transpose the concepts of law into another language without replacing the meaning of the source text. Because of differences in legal expression and tradition, the translator should be specific about the target jurisdiction language.  Legal English contains complex sentences and compounds as well as different subjects. Use of a full stop or comma where it should not be done changes the whole meaning of the text. These mistakes seem minor but greatly affect documents.

Important Points to Keep in Mind

In the era of globalization, companies often require legal translators. Most of the time, the task of legal translation is done on an urgent basis. In this case, it is essential to understand the contract and individual clauses properly.  Today, precise translation is of utmost importance and legal translators can meet deadlines strictly without sacrificing product quality. Thus, speed and accuracy are important for legal translators.

While translating contracts, legal documents, and patents, the ‘concepts’ and ‘precision of terms’ is essential.  The subject matter in a legal document is delicate and a large amount of money is involved. Thus, the text must be provided to a person with expertise. Incorrect translation leads to severe outcomes.