1. Expand Your Business

It is important to expand your business in a crisis. Diversification is necessary because if the crisis affects your present business, then other options are available to help you out. Don’t put all the eggs in a single basket, whether working with the same group of clients or one type of service. As an interpreter, if your appointments are getting canceled and your dates are clear, then you can assist your clients virtually and can work remotely. You can continue assisting clients like this until social distancing ends, and the current situation gets recovered.  

If interpreting business dries up for agencies supplying services, then add a few services to your current business that is valuable to clients. The options include copywriting, consulting, copy editing, crafting customer surveys and communications, and many others. 

Diversification in your business can be done by creating more than one income source so that your business can recover soon in crisis or when it is slow at any time of the year. Learn new things so you can offer additional services.

2. Publicize your Business

Right now, it is easy to fall into a negative mindset, as everything is uncertain. But remember that interpreting service is valuable because interpreters play an important role in the goal accomplishments of clients. Interpreters are important for clients in every way, whether for the growth of the business or for communicating.

Consider assisting your clients in a way that can be useful and valuable for them. Additionally, share what will be valuable for them when they get back to work. You can come up with valuable ideas for articles, blog posts, social media, email campaigns, etc. This will definitely work for you, and your clients will appreciate this more than ever. 

Think of the future and consider the ways you can reach your clients at best and also know the needs they might require going forward. If speaking engagements is the best way to reach them than share an online presentation or training. You can start blogs or online articles that are valuable for your customers.

You may also start an email campaign at this time. Consider the information you can provide to overcome challenges. Consistent sharing of information is a good approach to publicize your business. It is also important to keep your online presence up to date.

3. Review Your Business Plan and Finances for the Future

Now when the businesses are slowing down certainly in all areas, it is a suitable time to level your finances and put them in order. 

4. Seek Professional Development Offerings

Do not stop learning new things in this time of cash flow restriction. This is a perfect time to take benefit of the virtual webinars and training that are available. You can connect with associations on the local and national level to know what they are offering that can improve your craft. You can propose them to offer any particular topic that can be helpful to you and your colleagues. You can purchase pre-recorded training and webinars that can be helpful in your business. 

5. Do Not Forget to Take Care for your Mental Health

It is always important to keep your mental health fit, especially in these types of global crises. A healthy mental condition is necessary to deal with the rollercoaster of emotions as well as anxiety triggers that we all are experiencing in the present situation.

Always believe in news from trusted sources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (for people in the United States) and the World Health Organization. Turn on the news when you are ready to consume the news consciously on the current situation. Breathe in some fresh air unless going outdoors is not permitted in your area. Do not hesitate to take breaks by working in a garden or going for a walk or simply opening a window. 

Connect with others virtually and enjoy coffee chat with your friends and fellow freelancers. Books are also a man’s best friend, so pick up your favorite book and start reading when you are not working. You can download new podcasts, and yes, snail mail is also a good choice to feel connected and loved. Challenge yourself to do new things in business, and for this, you can begin preparing for a certification exam. Take care of your mental health, your physical health, and think positively as this crisis too shall pass. Do positive and productive things and use the extra time to your benefit.