Flying is more comfortable and safer than ever since the advancement in technology. With the increased advancements, it would be natural to think that deaf passengers are the first in line to benefit. However, Deaf passengers have not received enough attention for decades. As others enjoy their flight, this minority group continues to struggle with communication during their flight. Major airlines starting to recognize the importance of inclusion for all passengers, especially those who are deaf. This article shares which airlines are finally including deaf passengers and people with disabilities in their “advancement” decision making. 

Delta Airlines 

Delta announced that anyone needing communication access in a different language would now be able to identify those individual attendants by their name tags. Though not perfect, it is a step in the right direction as it not only facilitates communication but also shows that the Deaf Community is receiving the recognition it rightfully deserves. The Delta’s CEO, Ed Bastian, shared that Delta’s mission “is to connect teh world, which starts with making travel easier for all people.”

Virgin Atlantic 

The move by Delta comes after an introduction of “the hidden symbol “ by Virgin Atlantic Airlines earlier this year, which appeared on a ticket or a pin. This symbol allowed passengers who had invisible abilities to identify themselves to the attendants. 

Virgin Airlines also now offers interpretation services in British Sign Language. Deaf passengers are encouraged to communicate their accommodations in advance for interpretation services.

Southwest and United

Though Southwest does not have their list of accommodations listed on their website, Deaf passengers can call their support team and request for specific services. United, on the other hand, asks all passengers with hearing loss to identify themselves to their employees for further assistance.

Hopefully, more airlines will follow these leading airlines’ example and make their flight sessions a lot more enjoyable and accessible for Deaf passengers. We would like to hear your opinions on this topic. Don’t forget to follow our social media pages for more of these stories.