Communication is critical to the success of any business or organization. 

In the case of businesses that hire deaf or hearing-impaired individuals, this is particularly true. 

Many businesses now provide American Sign Language (ASL) interpreting services to ensure effective communication between staff members and deaf or hard-of-hearing employees. 

In this article, we’ll look at how ASL interpreting services affect employee retention and satisfaction.

ASL Interpreting Services: An Overview

ASL is a visual language used by roughly 500,000 people in the United States alone. 

ASL is a popular form of communication for those who are hard of hearing or deaf. 

Professionals with training in ASL interpretation can translate spoken language into ASL and vice versa. 

These interpreters aid in the effective communication of deaf and hard-of-hearing employees with their hearing coworkers.

The Impact of ASL Interpreting Services on Employee Satisfaction

For employee satisfaction, effective communication is crucial. 

Employees are more likely to be happy in their jobs when they feel heard and that their opinions are valued.  

Employees are more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs if they believe that their opinions are not valued or that they are not being heard.

Communication between hearing and deaf or hard-of-hearing employees can be greatly improved with the help of ASL interpreting services. 

When deaf or hard-of-hearing employees have access to ASL interpreting services, they are better able to communicate with their hearing colleagues. 

This can lead to improved collaboration, teamwork, and overall job satisfaction.

Additionally, offering ASL interpreting services shows that a business values all of its employees, regardless of their hearing abilities. 

This may promote a more welcoming workplace culture, which benefits both employers and workers.

The Impact of ASL Interpreting Services on Employee Retention

Photo by Helena Lopes

Retaining employees is a major concern for many businesses. 

Both in terms of time and money, high turnover rates can be expensive. 

Therefore, businesses must take action to keep their staff members. 

Offering ASL interpreting services is one way to achieve this.

Businesses that offer ASL interpreting services show how much they value their hard-of-hearing and deaf employees. 

This can help boost employee loyalty and lower turnover rates. 

Employees who are hard of hearing or deaf are more likely to stick with their current employer if they feel supported and valued.

Additionally, offering ASL interpreting services can aid in avoiding misunderstandings and a breakdown in communication between hearing and deaf or hard-of-hearing employees. 

When workers can communicate clearly, they are less likely to become frustrated or stressed, which can result in burnout and turnover. 

Last but not least, offering ASL interpreting services can assist in luring and keeping talented deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. 

Job seekers may be more inclined to apply for open positions when they learn that an organization offers ASL interpreting services. 

The number of qualified candidates in the pool will grow as a result, and employee retention rates will go up overall.

Challenges in Providing ASL Interpreting Services

Although offering ASL interpreting services can be advantageous, there are drawbacks as well. 

The price of offering these services is one major obstacle. 

Smaller businesses might not have the funding for ASL interpreting services due to their high cost. 

However, there are some ways to cut costs, like working with nearby interpreting agencies or utilizing remote interpreting services.

Finding qualified interpreters is another challenge. ASL interpreting is a highly specialized field, and not all interpreters are equally competent. 

To make sure that their employees receive high-quality interpreting services, businesses may need to spend time and money searching for and hiring qualified interpreters.

Finally, offering ASL interpreting services may present some logistical difficulties, such as scheduling conflicts and coordinating with various parties. 

To ensure that interpreting services are delivered in a timely and efficient manner, businesses may need to collaborate closely with their deaf and hard-of-hearing employees.

It takes dedication to foster effective communication among all employees to overcome these obstacles. 

Employers who prioritize the needs of their deaf and hard-of-hearing workers are more likely to see positive results in terms of employee satisfaction and retention.  

Best Practices for Providing ASL Interpreting Services

Companies should follow some best practices to ensure that ASL interpreting services are effective. These include:

Partnering with a reputable interpreting agency: 

Working with a reputable agency can help guarantee that businesses have access to qualified interpreters and that interpreting services are delivered quickly and efficiently.

Training hearing employees to work with interpreters: 

Companies should train their hearing employees on how to effectively work with interpreters. 

This can aid in avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring effective communication among all workers.

Providing clear instructions for scheduling interpreting services: 

Companies should make sure the scheduling procedure is simple and give their deaf and hard-of-hearing employees clear instructions on how to submit requests for interpreting services.

Providing a variety of interpreting options: 

Companies should consider providing a range of interpreting options, such as on-site interpreting, remote interpreting, and video interpreting, to ensure that their employees have access to the most effective communication methods.

Regularly reviewing and evaluating interpreting services: 

To make sure that their interpreting services are meeting the needs of their employees and that any necessary adjustments are being made, businesses should periodically review and evaluate their interpreting services.


Employee retention and satisfaction can be greatly impacted by ASL interpreting services. 

Companies can promote a more inclusive workplace culture and boost overall job satisfaction by providing effective communication for deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. 

Additionally, providing ASL interpreting services can help reduce turnover rates and attract and retain talented deaf and hard-of-hearing employees. 

While providing ASL interpreting services is not without its difficulties, best practices can help guarantee that these services are efficient and meet the needs of all employees.

For those who are looking for additional support, Unspoken Language Services offers interpreting services to help bridge the communication gap between the deaf and hearing communities.

Thumbnail Photo Credit to: Photo by Christina Morillo